Post 10 - Kickstarter Project Release Date

Hi Folks.

This is just a short post to let everyone know that our Kickstarter Project is going live on Friday 11th October. This is our Robot Arm Control GUI, which allows you to control a robot arm with up to 6 Degrees Of Freedom (DOF) from your PC via a USB link to an Arduino which drives the servo motors in the arm. Post 8 gives a run down on the GUI software, so be sure to take a look to see what it can do.

Screenshot of the Robot Arm Control GUI software 

We're in the final stages of testing now and putting together the User Guide. We aim to have the code available for downloading around the 16th December, just in time to hook it up to that new robot arm kit you get for Christmas, lol.

To recap, the GUI allows you to control the arm using sliders to move each joint into a position. The position can then be stored in a table and the arm moved to another position, etc. In this way you can build up a sequence of moves to get the arm to perform a task. The sequence can be saved to disk so that it can be re-loaded another time. In this way you can build a library of sequences.

Our 6 DOF arm - details of the parts will be published on our website

Although our initial intent was to provide a practical way to get hands on experience of sequencing a robot arm using a small scale, low cost, educational arm (not supplied - the one we used for the development cost around £60) the GUI software could equally control a full scale robot arm in a factory environment. Our Arduino interface code, which we are supplying the source code for as part of the download, could be modified to drive an industrial size arm for use on a plant.

Our Arduino Nano lash up! Details of the circuit will be available on our website

There are many applications which can be realised with this software : from learning about robot arms and their control, to developing 'pick & place' applications which could be scaled up, to mounting a camera on the gripper and using the arm to pan around for time lapse photography. The only limit is your imagination - and for only £5! If you're one of the first 1000 people to sign up to our Kickstarter launch, then you will get the software for the bargain price of just £3!

Our development setup during testing

Of course, we will be providing support via our website to help you get up & running with the downloaded software, in the form of tutorial videos and a User Guide. We also welcome feedback and suggestions of features you would like to see in future developments of the GUI.

We'll put out another post on the launch date with a link to the Kickstarter project.

In the meantime,

That's all folks!

Please feel free to share.

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