Post 7 - Now, where have I been? - Part 1

Hello folks.

It’s been a while since my last post – almost 6 months! But I’m here again with another update, at last.

It’s been a busy time (I think all my posts start like that, lol) but it really has. I took on a contract job in February (got to pay the bills!) which has me working at a clients 9-5 Monday – Friday, which has drastically cut down my time available for developing the robots. But I’ve managed to make some progress, none the less.

In this post I’m going to describe the next step in my robot’s evolution – constructing a map of its environment. What that means is that the robot moves around as before, using an ultrasonic sensor to avoid obstacles, but this time, as the robot moves around, it plots its position, and the position of obstacles, on a map which can be displayed on a PC screen. How it knows its position is by using odometry and the magic of mathematics (my maths tutor was right, it has come in useful after all! Lol). For anyone who isn’t sure what odometry is, its a fancy name given to working out your speed and distance travelled from the rotation of wheels, like the speed dial and mileometer in a car.

To do this I’m using a mobile robot with similar functionality to the one in my earlier post. However, the one I’m using this time is based on the Lego NXT hardware. There are a few of reasons for this, as follows :-

1) The motors for the Lego NXT have a built in feature which gives pulses out as the motor rotates. The NXT ‘brick’ counts these and your program can read the counters to find out how much the wheel has turned. Knowing this and the wheel diameter lets you calculate the distance the robot has moved.

2) The NXT ‘brick’ has Bluetooth communications built in. This is good because I need to send the data on position back to a PC to build up the map, and display it so I can see it.

3) There is a Lego programming environment available as a free download, which allows you to code the ‘brick’ in C++ (or at least something very close!). This means that when I’m happy with my code, I can transfer it into an Arduino (have I said how much I love these devices?) with minimal modification. It will also run on anything I can get a C++ compiler for, e.g. a Raspberry Pi, so my code remains portable, which is important to me.

Here’s some photo’s of my NXT robot.

Photo 1 – Top view of NXT robot

In photo 1, above, you can see the general layout of the robot, looking down on it from above. The ‘brick’ is the block with the LCD screen on it. The two ‘wheels’ you can see at the top of the ‘brick’ on either side of it are there to actuate bump switches, but I’m not really using them in this robot. The actual drive wheels can be seen at the bottom end of the brick, again one on either side. Right at the bottom of the photo is the ultrasonic sensor, sticking out at the front of the robot.

Photo 2 – Front view of NXT robot

In photo 2 you can see the wheels and the ultrasonic sensor better. Below the ultrasonic sensor is a light sensor, but again, that’s not being used in this robot at the moment.

Photo 3 – Side view of NXT robot

Photo 3 just gives a side perspective. You can just make out at the back a roller bearing. Originally the robot had tracks, but they were giving trouble when turning, so I swapped them for wheels. However, that didn’t cure all of my problems, so after experimenting with various castor configurations, I settled on the roller bearing as giving the best results. It’s one of those issues that you don’t think about until you build a physical robot – I wouldn’t have picked up those difficulties using a simulator!

With the physical built, the code from the original mobile robot was loaded into the Lego compiler and modified to use Lego commands for the motors and Ultrasonic sensor. It was then tested to ensure that the robot performed in the same way as the original, which it did. Hooray!! That was the first hurdle successfully over. Now came the tricky bits, first calculating where the robot thinks it is, and secondly using the Bluetooth to transmit that back to a PC.

Tackling the Bluetooth communications first, as without that working I would have to abandon using the Lego robot for the development, I spent some time going through the documentation on the Lego NXT Bluetooth. There are two manuals available, and both need to be read to understand how to drive the comms. Once I thought I had a grasp of that, I moved over to putting some code together on the PC, in Python, to receive information from the Lego robot. After some learning on how to set up Bluetooth comms in Python I was able to establish a link and send across some data from the Lego robot to a PC. Fantastic – now what I needed was some actual data to send, in place of the dummy packets I had been using for testing, so on to the odometry!

I decided to start off by developing the odometry just using one wheel to prove the principle, as that simplified the maths and coding substantially. Fundamentally, while the robot is moving, the count of pulses from the wheels increases. So by taking the count of pulses, and knowing how many pulses we get for one revolution of the wheel, and knowing the wheel diameter, we can calculate how far the robot has moved. By reading the counts at frequent intervals and performing the calculations, we can get the amount of movement since the last time we performed the calculation, and by adding these small incremental movements together, we get the running total of the distance travelled. If we move in reverse e.g. when we get close to an obstacle, then we can subtract the incremental movements while reversing from our total distance travelled. That just leaves the tricky bit of turning. For this, I decided to simplify things as much as possible by performing a ‘spin’, where I drive one wheel forward and the other wheel in reverse, making the robot turn on its own centre axis. As this doesn’t move the robot forwards or backwards, then it doesn’t affect the distance travelled, just the direction that the robot is facing, and that can be worked out with some trigonometry (thanks again to my maths tutor for persevering! lol).

So, now, from a starting point, I can work out how far the robot has travelled and the direction it is moving in, as it moves around. This is, of course, relative to the robot’s starting point, as it has no other frame of reference yet i.e. a compass or GPS module (these will come later – much later, probably, lol). For the robot’s position I decided to calculate this in the robot and transmit the data as X and Y coordinates for the position, and a direction as an angle in degrees which the robot is facing.

Great, I have position information calculated in the robot, and I can transmit this over Bluetooth to a PC, where I can read the data in Python. Now what I needed was a map which can be populated with the information as the robot moves around, and which can be displayed on a PC screen so that I can see where the robot has been.

As I’m developing in Python, I used Numpy to create a 2 dimensional array to hold the map. I had worked out that with the wheels I was using and the number of counts per revolution, I have a resolution of better than 1mm per pulse, so I chose to scale the map so that each element would be a 10mm square. To display the map on a screen, each square could then be 1 pixel, so an 800 by 600 pixel screen display would correspond to 800 x 600 cm, or 8m x 6m, which I figured would be a reasonable size for a room.

It was then fairly easy to take the robot position as X & Y coordinates and to scale it to plot a point in the array so that it appeared at the correct position. I then used Pygame to just copy the array to the PC screen, as this was very easy to do, and also gives options of changing the colours of pixels etc.

It was then time to try it out! I constructed a small ‘play pen’ area in my office, using boxes to form a bounding area for the robot to move around in. This can be seen in the photo below.

Photo 4 – View of NXT robot in the Play Pen area

It was then time to run the code. I had already run sections of it to test it, so I was confident that I would get some results, but I wasn’t sure how it would all work in reality. |The video below is just a short clip of the robot performing some movement and turns. As you can see, it just looks the same as the original mobile robot video from Post 2, which is to be expected as the underlying code is the same. However, it’s good to confirm that the code can be transferred between the Arduino and the Lego NXT and, by inference, back again. Result!

Video 1 – Short clip of robot performing some movement in the Play Pen

The above video shows the robot moving forward, detecting an obstacle (the cupboard) and taking action to avoid it. As it turns, it keeps picking up obstacles, in the form of the cupboard or the boxes bounding the ‘play pen’ on the right of the video, so it repeats the turn several times, until it detects clear space ahead. It then travels in a straight line once more.

Next I ran the robot again with the Python mapping code running on my PC. Lo! and Behold! As I watched a map began to form before my eyes! Success – until the software crashed after a short while, lol. But at least it proved the principal. After several modifications to the codes, both the C++ in the robot, and the Python mapper, I got the results below.

Photo 5 – Screenshot of Map after the first few turns

In Photo 5, you can see the trace of where the robot has been, which is the white line. The robot started off as in the video, so it was heading straight up, then you can see how it turned as it avoided the obstacles. The black pixels are the position of the obstacles it detected.

Photo 6 – Screenshot of Map after running for a while

Photo 6 shows the map after the robot has been running for a while. The first part is the same as in Photo 5, but in this map the robot travelled ‘down’ to the bottom edge of the play pen. It then turned to its right (our left on the map) and continued on until it came in range of the wall, then it turned again into clear space. Again, the black pixels are the detected obstacles. Photo 7 provides a closer view of the trace.

Photo 7 – Closer view of the trace from the map in Photo 6

From Photos 6 & 7 you can see a couple of problems. The first is that on the big turns, there is a section of the trace missing. Secondly, the plots of the obstacle positions is not correct – it’s showing obstacles in the clear space it has moved through! Also, while the robot is moving forward, it has a slight drift to the right (its right) which isn’t picked up by the software. Having said that, I am pleased with the results, as it demonstrates that the principles are correct, it’s just my maths that’s wrong – now where’s my maths tutor, lol.

So, having successfully demonstrated the principle, it’s time to consider the next stage. Firstly, I think I need to use the pulse count from both wheels to calculate the robot position. That should give a more accurate result and will take account of the drift. Secondly, I need to look at those gaps at the turns to find out what caused them. Finally, I need to look at the obstacle position calculation and correct that. That should keep me busy for a while, so, until next time,

That’s all folks ...


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