
Showing posts from January, 2018

Post 6 - Arms Race! – Part 2

Hi folks. It’s been a busy time with one thing and another, but with Christmas now only days away I thought I’d get one more post in before it. Unfortunately I was thwarted in my attempt by my video camera breaking down. Never the less I have soldiered on and used my 'phone to shoot the video. This proved to be rather more time consuming as I don't have a tripod mount & remote control for it like I do for the video camera, so I had to do things several times over, pick the best (i.e. least shaky) bits and edit them together to get one decent stretch of video, but here we are now :-) . Last time I posted about fitting sensors to a cheap Maplin / OWI robot arm to give feedback on what angle each of the joints was at. In this post I am going to describe the other side of the operation, driving the motors. Getting ready to drop a building brick into a cup after picking it up from the the rectangle in the bottom left of the 'photo. . You may recall from